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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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New Books >> Endgame, Problem Chess

Author:Mueller, Karsten / Konikowski, Jerzy
Title: Karsten Mueller - Endgame Magic. Illustrative training material from master practice
Description:Eltmann, Beyer, 2023, 322 pages. 720 grams. Paperpack. Code #10790
Price:Kè 699,-

Author:Mueller, Karsten / Konikowski, Jerzy
Title: Tactical Endgame
Description:Eltmann, Beyer, 2024, 198 pages. 540 grams. Paperback. Code #11217
Price:Kè 580,-

Author:Mueller, Karsten
Title: The Best Endgames of the World Champions. Volume 1: From Steinitz to Tal
Description:Eltmann, Beyer, 2021, photos in text, 236p. 620 grams. Paperpack. Code #9921
Price:Kè 599,-

Author:Mueller, Karsten
Title: The Best Endgames of the World Champions. Volume 1: From Steinitz to Tal + Volume 2: From Petrosian to Carlsen (a set of 2 books)
Description:Eltmann, Beyer, 2021, photos in text, 236 + 236p. 1,240 grams. Paperpack. With 10 percent discount compared to individual volumes. Code #10200
Price:Kè 1152,-

Author:Mueller, Karsten
Title: The Best Endgames of the World Champions. Volume 2: From Petrosian to Carlsen
Description:Eltmann, Beyer, 2021, photos in text, 236p. 620 grams. Paperpack. Code #9922
Price:Kè 599,-

Author:Mueller, Karsten / Konoval, Yakov
Title: Understanding Minor Piece Endgames
Description:Milford, Russell Enterprises, 2018, 384p. 530 grams. Paperback. Code #8441
Price:Kè 499,-

Author:Mueller, Karsten / Konoval, Yakov
Title: Understanding Queen Endgame
Description:Milford, Russell Enterprises, 2021, 272p. 370 grams. Paperback. Code #9705
Price:Kè 499,-

Author:Mueller, Karsten / Konoval, Yakov
Title: Understanding Rook Endgames
Description:London, Gambit, 2016, 288p. 550 grams. Paperback. Code #6793
Price:Kè 450,-

Author:Mueller, Karsten / Konoval, Yakov
Title: Understanding Rook vs. Minor Piece Endgames
Description:Milford, Russell Enterprises, 2019, 232p. 330 grams. Paperback. Code #9611
Price:Kè 499,-

Author:Naroditsky, Daniel
Title: Shakhmaty. Masterstvo igry v endshpile
Description:Moskva, Russian Chess House, 2019, 288p. 500 grams. Hardcover. Code #533572
Price:Kè 499,-

Author:Nunn, John
Title: Nunn's Chess Endings volume 1
Description:London, Gambit, 2012, 320p. 620 grams. Paperback. The definitive work on practical endgame tactics. Code #531124
Price:Kè 499,-

Author:Nunn, John
Title: Nunn's Chess Endings volume 2
Description:London, Gambit, 2014, 352p. 660 grams. Paperback. The definitive work on practical endgame tactics. Code #531125
Price:Kè 499,-

Author:Nunn, John
Title: The Chess Endgame Exercise Book
Description:London, Gambit, 2020, 192p. 380 grams. Paperback. Code #9118
Price:Kè 480,-

Author:Pearson, A. Cyrill / Hansen, Carsten
Title: Pearson's One Hundred Chess Problems
Description:Bayonne, Alexander Game Books, 2024, 90 pages. 170 grams. Paperback. Code #11168
Price:Kè 230,-

Author:Perlo, Ger van
Title: Endgame Tactics
Description:Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2016, 608p. 1,090 grams. Paperback. Code #7066
Price:Kè 699,-

Author:Pervakov, Oleg / Dvoretsky, Mark
Title: Studies for Practical Players. Book 2: Improving Important Endgame Concepts
Description:Milford, Russell Enterprises, 2024, 176 pages. 250 grams. Paperback. Code #10871
Price:Kè 590,-

Author:Rabinovich, Ilya
Title: The Russian Endgame Handbook
Description:Newton Highlands, Mongoose Press, 2012, 372p. 680 grams. Paperback. Code #6383
Price:Kè 550,-

Author:Rayner, James / Hansen, Carsten
Title: Chess Problems. Their Composition and Solution
Description:Bayonne, Alexander Game Books, 2024, 134 pages. 240 grams. Paperback. Code #11170
Price:Kè 299,-

Author:Rozentalis, Eduardas
Title: To Exchange or Not? The Ultimate Workbook
Description:Gent, Thinkers Publishing, 2020, 192 pages. 380 grams. Paperback. Code #9122
Price:Kè 499,-

Author:Sehwers, Johann / Hansen, Carsten
Title: Johann Sehwers: Endgame Studies
Description:Bayonne, Alexander Game Books, 2024, 129, (2) pages. 230 grams. Paperback. Code #11095
Price:Kè 299,-

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