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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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New Books >> Endgame, Problem Chess

Author:Biolek (Sr.), Richard / Biolek (Jr.), Richard
Title: Umis koncovky? (pescove a vezove)
Description:No place, Richard Biolek + Galerie Dolmen, 2023, 92p. 70 grams. Paperback. Code #10670
Price:Kè 120,-

Author:Blake, J. H. / Hansen, Carsten
Title: Chess Endings for Beginners
Description:Bayonne, Alexander Game Books, 2023, 102p. 200 grams. Paperback. Code #10715
Price:Kè 225,-

Author:Blokh, Maxim
Title: 600 Combinations / Kombinatsiy / Kombinationen
Description:Moskva, Russian Chess House, 2022, 96p. 140 grams. Paperback. Code #534358
Price:Kè 220,-

Author:Brown, John / Hansen, Carsten
Title: Chess Strategy: A collection of the most beautiful Chess Problems Composed by John J. B. of Bridport Brown
Description:Bayonne, Alexander Game Books, 2024, 144 pages. 260 grams. Paperback. Code #11169
Price:Kè 299,-

Author:Colovic, Alex
Title: Capablanca's Endgame Technique
Description:Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2024, photos in text, 120p. 370 grams. Hardcover. Code #11181
Price:Kè 468,-

Author:Cunnington, Edward E. / Hansen, Carsten
Title: Lessons in Pawn Play in Chess Endings
Description:Bayonne, Alexander Game Books, 2023, 136p. 230 grams. Paperback. Code #10791
Price:Kè 240,-

Author:Cunnington, Edward E. / Hansen, Carsten
Title: Selected Chess Endings
Description:Bayonne, Alexander Game Books, 2023, 116p. 210 grams. Paperback. Code #10714
Price:Kè 225,-

Author:de la Villa, Jesus
Title: 100 Endgame Patterns You Must Know
Description:Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2021, 464p. 870 grams. Paperback. Code #9763
Price:Kè 680,-

Author:de la Villa, Jesus
Title: 100 Endgames You Must Know
Description:Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2018, 256p. 480 grams. Paperback. Code #531558
Price:Kè 550,-

Author:de la Villa, Jesus
Title: 100 Endgames You Must Know - hardcover
Description:Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2023, 288p. 680 grams. Hardcover. Code #10487
Price:Kè 760,-

Author:de la Villa, Jesus
Title: 100 Endgames You Must Know + The 100 Endgames You Must Know Workbook + 100 Endgame Patterns You Must Know
Description:Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2018 + 2019 + 2021, 256 + 240 + 464p. 1,900 grams. Paperback. With 10% discount compared to the individual books. Code #9976
Price:Kè 1611,-

Author:de la Villa, Jesus
Title: The 100 Endgames You Must Know Workbook
Description:Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2019, 240p. 560 grams. Paperback. Code #8462
Price:Kè 560,-

Author:Dragoun, Michal
Title: Frantisek Zedek
Description:Praha, self-edition, 2023, 36p. 60 grams. Softcover. Code #10657
Price:Kè 75,-

Author:Dragoun, Michal
Title: Slovnik pojmu kompozicniho sachu
Description:Praha, Peres, 1997, 346p. 430 grams. Paperback. Code #323
Price:Kè 150,-

Author:Dragoun, Michal
Title: Troj- a vicenasobna vazba v P2#
Description:Praha, self-edition, 2002, 36p. 60 grams. Softcover. Code #2863
Price:Kè 75,-

Author:Dragoun, Michal
Title: Vaclav Cisar
Description:Praha, self-edition, 2002, 60p. 90 grams. Softcover. Code #2796
Price:Kè 50,-

Author:Dreev, Alexey
Title: Priemy igry v endshpile
Description:Moskva, Biblioteka Rossiyskoy shakhmatnoy federatsii, 2020, photos in text, 224p. 400 grams. Hardcover. Code #8883
Price:Kè 425,-

Author:Dvoretsky, Mark
Title: Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual
Description:Milford, Russell Enterprises, 2020, 440p. 780 grams. Paperback. Code #9440
Price:Kè 799,-

Author:Dvoretsky, Mark
Title: Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual. FastTrack Edition
Description:Milford, Russell Enterprises, 2021, 216, (8)p. 320 grams. Paperback. Code #9964
Price:Kè 399,-

Author:Dvoretsky, Mark / Pervakov, Oleg
Title: Etyudy dlya praktikov
Description:Moskva, Novosti, 2009, 240p. 350 grams. Hardcover. Endgame Studies for Practical Players. Code #5082
Price:Kè 380,-

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