RO - ABC by Marian Stere |
RO - ABC by Marian Stere(A review)
First published: August 29, 2009 Last Update: August 29, 2009
Stere’s RO-ABC (ROmania - A Bibliography of Chess)
is a definitive bibliography of Romanian books, periodicals and other items
related to chess. The book is intended for chess collectors, historians and
chess history lovers. Most of the book is written in English, small parts of the
text are simultaneously in Romanian. A
material is ordered into several sections and each item has its own reference
number. The sections are: Books (described 186 items), Magazines (30), Rules,
trainers‘ handbooks, documents of the Federation (50), Tournament bulletins
(146), Chess in literature, in mathematics etc. (157) and Chess columns in non-chess
periodicals (42 items). In all, 842 items are described, all containing detailed
bibliographical record that includes (when available): item number - author -
title - place and date of publication - publisher - number of the edition -
pagination - size - original price - number of copies published - translator -
ISB(S)N - notes. Last
two sections deal with chess philately, miscellanea, score sheets, visiting
cards, paintings etc. - these items cannot be catalogued as many of them are
unique. This is a reason, why they don’t have reference numbers (though they
are well described and most of them pictured). I
was surprised by a quantity of pictures - more than 500 items are shown, usually
in color. Almost all covers of books and magazines have their own pictures. This
is uncommon for bibliographical books, which are usually published as „text
only“ or sometimes with few photographs at the end. In fact, I can remember
just one another book of this kind that has so many pictures like RO-ABC - it is
a bibliography of German „Festschrifts“ Die Tradition verpflichted… by
R. Binnewirtz and H.-J. Fresen (sorry, if I forgot something). So
far I spent with the RO-ABC 2-3 hours and I tried to compare my own Romanian
books with the bibliography (unfortunately, I have just a few of them in my
library ;-). I found exact pagination of Revista de sah (since 1933 titled
Revista Romana de sah, reference number RO-ABC 207) of some volumes from 1920s
and 1930s. Respectively, I found which volumes should include title/index pages
and if a particular volume contains plates or not. This is an information that I
was not able to find for years. According
to the author, the edition of the RO-ABC is limited to 222 copies, and all of
which are hand-numbered and signed. This makes from the book itself a subject of
interest for collectors. The page with book number and author’s signature
informs that book is a „Limited edition“, however I did not find any
information that total number of published copies is 222. The
price of the book is 62.49 Euro, respectively 49.99 Euro for the KWA (Ken Whyld
Association) members. I consider the price as quite acceptable - the price of
such a book cannot be assessed as a „price of paper“ - to collect and sort
so much material takes a lot of time of studying, researching and consultations.
recommend Marian Stere's bibliography
to all collectors who have (or would like to have) Romanian books in their
library. The book offers a lot of information that are useful as a reference and
are hardly available from Internet or other sources. Karel Mokry, August 14, 2009 (Stere,
Marian: Romania - A Bibliography of Chess. Bibliografia sahului romanesc v. 1.0.
Bucuresti, Gambit, 2009. Series arhiSAH no.13. Hardcover, 302 pages, 500+
illustrations in text. Signed and numbered by the author).