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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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Author:Bakin, Alexander / Barski, Yuri ea
Title: The Chelyabinsk Meteorite: Selected Games of Igor Kurnosov
Description:No place, Elk and Ruby, 2018, 210, (4)p. 350 grams. Paperback. Code #9534
Price:Kè 350,-

Author:Elkov, Andrey ea
Title: Chelyabinskiy meteorit. Grossmeister Igor Kurnosov
Description:Moskva, Biblioteka Rossiyskoy shakhmatnoy federatsii, 2016, 224p + 16 pages photos, photos in text. 420 grams. Hardcover. Code #7163
Price:Kè 299,-

Author:Tkachenko, Sergei
Title: Kuznets chempionov
Description:Moskva, Biblioteka Federatsii shakhmat Rossii, 2021, photos in text, 192p. 370 grams. Hardcover. Code #9494
Price:Kè 299,-

Author:Larsen, Bent
Title: 122 izbrannye partii
Description:Moskva, Russian Chess House, 2017, 440p. 650 grams. Hardcover. Code #7298
Price:Kè 599,-

Author:Larsen, Bent
Title: Bent Larsen´s Best Games
Description:Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2016, photos in text, 352p. 650 grams. Paperback. Code #529668
Price:Kè 680,-

Author:Marin, Mihail
Title: Learn from Bent Larsen - hardcover
Description:Glasgow, Quality Chess, 2022, photos in text, 304 pages. 750 grams. Hardcover. Code #10388
Price:Kè 780,-

Author:Marin, Mihail
Title: Learn from Bent Larsen - paperback
Description:Glasgow, Quality Chess, 2022, photos in text, 304 pages. 600 grams. Paperback. Code #10891
Price:Kè 650,-

Author:Fiala, Vlastimil / Sierpowski, Stanislaw ea
Title: Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa and his Chess Collection. International Conference of Chess Historians. Kornik, September 16-18, 2002
Description:Kornik, Biblioteka Kornicka PAN, 2003, 286p. 530 grams. Hardcover. Code #3283
Price:Kè 750,-

Author:Dreyer, Michael / Sieg, Ulrich
Title: Emanuel Lasker - Schach, Philosofie, Wissenschaft
Description:Hamburg, Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 2023, 289 pages. 460 grams. Paperback. Code #10627
Price:Kè 450,-

Author:Forster, Richard / Negele, Michael / Tischbierek, Raj ea
Title: Emanuel Lasker. Volume 1 + 2 + 3 (complete set)
Description:Berlin, Exzelsior, 2018 + 2020 + 2022, XIV, 450 + XIV, 464 + XII, 468 pages. Together ca 500 photos and illustrations in text. 2,700 grams. Hardcovers. With 10 per cent discount comparing to particular volumes. Code #10787
Price:Kè 3888,-

Author:Forster, Richard / Negele, Michael / Tischbierek, Raj ea
Title: Emanuel Lasker. Volume 1: Struggle and Victories. World Chess Champion for 27 Years
Description:Berlin, Exzelsior, 2018, 190 photos in text, XIV, 450p. 900 grams. Hardcover. Code #8180
Price:Kè 1380,-

Author:Forster, Richard / Negele, Michael / Tischbierek, Raj ea
Title: Emanuel Lasker. Volume 2: Choices and Chances. Chess and Other Games of the Mind
Description:Berlin, Exzelsior, 2020, 188 photos and illustrations in text, 464p. 860 grams. Hardcover. Code #8999
Price:Kè 1490,-

Author:Forster, Richard / Negele, Michael / Tischbierek, Raj ea
Title: Emanuel Lasker. Volume 3: Labors and Legacy. Chess, Philosophy, and Psychology
Description:Berlin, Exzelsior, 2022, 211 photos and illustrations in text, XII, 468p. 940 grams. Hardcover. Code #10165
Price:Kè 1450,-

Author:Hoffmann, Kazimierz / Miler, Zbigniew
Title: Krol z Barlinka. Nowe odkrycija do biografii Emanuela Laskera
Description:Barlinek, Urzad Miasta i Gminy w Barlinku, 1995, photos in text, 200p. 180 grams. Softcover. Code #4984
Price:Kè 125,-

Author:Kanovsky, David
Title: Emanuel Lasker. Psycholog na trune
Description:No place, Galerie Dolmen, 2018, photos in text, 160p. 230 grams. Softcover. Code #7845
Price:Kè 250,-

Author:Kingston, Taylor
Title: Emanuel Lasker: A Reader
Description:Milford, Russell Enterprises, 2019, 400p. 720 grams. Paperback. Code #8661
Price:Kè 725,-

Author:Salmins, Gedimins / Zemitis, Val
Title: Sudraba Vazina no Stokholmas Milda Lauberte Saha cinas
Description:Liepaja, LiePa, 2007, many photos in text, 172p. 230 grams. Paperback. Code #6141
Price:Kè 325,-

Author:Levenfish, Grigory
Title: Soviet Outcast. The Life and Games of Grigory Levenfish - hardcover
Description:Glasgow, Quality Chess, 2019, 304 pages. 720 grams. Hardcover. Code #8734
Price:Kè 750,-

Author:Levenfish, Grigory
Title: Soviet Outcast. The Life and Games of Grigory Levenfish - paperback
Description:Glasgow, Quality Chess, 2019, 304p. 590 grams. Paperback. Code #9093
Price:Kè 640,-

Author:Lilienthal, Andor (Andre)
Title: Chess Survivor - hardcover
Description:Glasgow, Quality Chess, 2024, a few photos in text, 344 pages. 820 grams. Hardcover. Code #11040
Price:Kè 699,-

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