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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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Author:Tarnawiecki, Antonio ea
Title: How I Became A Chess Problem Composer: A journey into chess imagination (pre-order, contemporarily sold out, expected in March-April 2025)
Description:Bayonne, CarstenChess, 2024, 212, (3)p. 330 grams. Paperback. All pre-orders will be paid later when your order is closed, not now. Code #11189
Price:Kè 460,-

Author:Tiviakov, Sergey / Gokbulut, Yulia
Title: Rock Solid Chess. Tiviakov's Unbeatable Strategy. Volume 3: Searching for the Right Move (pre-order, expected in mid-May 2025)
Description:Alkmaar, New in Chess, 2025, 256 pages. 500 grams. Paperback. All pre-orders will be paid later when your order is closed, not now. Code #11333
Price:Kè 640,-

Author:Vorobyov, Yevgeny
Title: Po sledam chempionov mira. Vypusk 1: Wilhelm Steinitz. Emanuel Lasker (pre-order, contemporarily sold out, date of arrival unknown)
Description:Moskva, 2024, 80 pages. 130 grams. Softcover. All pre-orders will be paid later when your order is closed, not now. Code #10928
Price:Kè 270,-

Author:Vorobyov, Yevgeny
Title: Po sledam chempionov mira. Vypusk 2: Jose Raul Capablanca (pre-order, date of arrival unknown)
Description:Moskva, 2024, 80 pages. 130 grams. Softcover. All pre-orders will be paid later when your order is closed, not now. Code #11296
Price:Kè 270,-

Author:White, Alain C. / Hansen, Carsten
Title: Knights and Bishops (pre-order, contemporarily sold out, expected in March 2025)
Description:Bayonne, Alexander Game Books, 2024, 95 pages. 160 grams. Paperback. All pre-orders will be paid later when your order is closed, not now. Code #11253
Price:Kè 255,-

Author:White, Alain C. / Hansen, Carsten
Title: White Knights (pre-order, contemporarily sold out, expected in March 2025)
Description:Bayonne, Alexander Game Books, 2024, 94, (12) pages. 180 grams. Paperback. All pre-orders will be paid later when your order is closed, not now. Code #11293
Price:Kè 255,-

Author:Yanvarev, Igor
Title: Takticheskoe masterstvo shakhmatista. Uchebnoe posobie v 3-kh tomakh. Tom 1: Elementy shakhmatnoy taktiki (pre-order, contemporarily sold out, expected in January 2025)
Description:Moskva, Andrey Elkov, 2024, 304p. 480 grams. Hardcover. All pre-orders will be paid later when your order is closed, not now. Code #11110
Price:Kè 420,-

Author:Yanvarev, Igor
Title: Takticheskoe masterstvo shakhmatista. Uchebnoe posobie v 3-kh tomakh. Tom 2: Osnovy techniki raschota (pre-order, date of arrival unknown)
Description:Moskva, Andrey Elkov, 2025, 392p. 650 grams. Hardcover. All pre-orders will be paid later when your order is closed, not now. Code #11303
Price:Kè 480,-

Author:Yap, Nicolas
Title: A Complete Opening Repertoire for Black after 1…e6 - hardcover (pre-order, contemporarily sold out, expected in March 2025)
Description:Gent, Thinkers Publishing, 2025, 512 pages. 1,120 grams. Hardcover. All pre-orders will be paid later when your order is closed, not now. Code #11321
Price:Kè 1060,-

Author:Yap, Nicolas
Title: The Bogo-Dutch (pre-order, contemporarily sold out, expected in March 2025)
Description:Bayonne, CarstenChess, 2024, 122 pages. 220 grams. Paperback. This title is contemporarily sold out. Again expected in March 2025. . Code #11097
Price:Kè 440,-

Author:Yezhov, Alexei / Kovpak, Igor
Title: Shakhmatnaya kometa Carlos Torre (pre-order, contemporarily sold out, date of arrival unknown)
Description:Moskva, Andrey Elkov, 2024, photos in text, 200 pages. 240 grams. Hardcover. All pre-orders will be paid later when your order is closed, not now. Code #10903
Price:Kè 330,-

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