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Czech Chess Literature 1806-1945

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Last update: 30.12.2024

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We thank our visitors for their support this year and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a successful and healthy New Year 2025!

During the holidays we answer emails, take orders and update the site, but we do not ship until Friday, January 3, 2025.

December 30:

Irons: San Sebastian 1911.

again available:
100 Years of FIDE. An illust History 1924-2024.
Paehtz: Wer den vorletzten Fehler macht, gewinnt.

Tadic: Knight Endgames Workbook.
Geilmann: Juedische Schachmeister aus Deutschland.

Mueller: Typical Kings Indian.
Mueller: Typical French.

Ehlvest: The modern Gurgenidze.
Geilmann / Stiefel: Boris Spasski - Der Leningrad Cowboy. Ein Schachleben.

Langrock: The Modern Morra Gambit.
Steinitz: The Modern Chess Instructor. Parts I + II.

December 25:

Yanvarev: Takticheskoe masterstvo shakhmatista. Uchebnoe posobie v 3-kh tomakh. Tom 2: Osnovy techniki raschota (pre-order)
Franco: Attacking Chess in the 21st Century (pre-order).

December 20:

Semkov: Fighting the Nimzo (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Nf3) (preorder).

December 19:

Zlatanovic: Get to Know Your Chess Troops! - 1: Everything About the King (preorder).
Dlugy: The Queens Gambit Accepted (1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4) (preorder). 2nd enlarged edition

Vorobyov: Po sledam čempionov mira. Vypusk 2: Jose Raul Capablanca (preorder).

December 17:

Ntirlis: Reimagining 1.e4 - paperback.
Ntirlis: Reimagining 1.e4 - hardcover.

Adams: Paul Keres. Volume 1-4.
Aagaard: Conceptual Rook Endgames - paperback. 1st edition as paperback

Konopka: Magic Chess Moves - hardcover.
Lakdawala: The Greatest - paperback.

Timman: Curacao 1962. The Battle of Minds that Shook the Chess World - paperback. 3rd edition 2024

again available:
Bezgodov: Defend Like Petrosian.
Shereshevsky: Endgame Strategy.

Karolyi: Endgame Virtuoso Magnus Carlsen (volume 1: 1999-2017).
Aagaard: Grandmaster Preparation - Strategic Play.

Aagaard: Grandmaster Preparation - Calculation + Positional Play + Strategic Play + Attack and Defence + Endgame Play + Thinking Inside the Box (6 books).
Karolyi: Karpovs Strategic Wins 1: The Making of a Champion 1961-1985 + volume 2: The Prime Years 1986-2010.

Nielsen / Aagaard: Endgame Labyrinths - hardcover.
Smith / Tikkanen: The Woodpecker Method - hardcover.

Galkin: The Mental Game - hardcover.
Palliser: The Tricky Tromp (1.d4 Jf6 2.Sg5) - hardcover.

December 13:

Costeff: One Endgame Study in a Thousand.

December 12:

Hansen: The Navara Gambit (1.Nf3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.b4 g5) (preorder).

White: White to Play. A Colletion of Complete Block Two-Movers (preorder).
White: White Knights: A collection of thematic chess problems (preorder).

December 10:

Franco: Ljubomir Ljubojevic. 40 pobednykh partiy (Khod za khodom).
Yanvarev: Takticheskoe masterstvo shakhmatista. Uchebnoe posobie v 3-kh tomakh. Tom 1: Elementy shakhmatnoy taktiki.

Beletski: Shakhmatnye kanikuly-6, ili sessia grossmeisterskoy shkoly.
Chernev / Reinfeld: Kak vyigryvat v shakhmaty.

Kuljasevic: How to Study Chess on Your Own Workbook. Volume 3: Exercises and Training for Ambitious Chess Players (2100+ Elo) (preorder).

again available:
Shereshevsky: Associativnoe myshlenie v shakhmatakh. Sila srednevo khoda - kladka.
Chernyshov / Kareva: Korolevskaya krepost No.2 - fianchetto. Uchebnik dlya yunykh shakhmatistov.

Galkin: Nestandartny endshpil.
Galkin: Legkofigurnyy endshpil. 87 urokov grossmeistera.

Fischer: Bobby Fischer uchit igrat v shakhmaty.
Pervakov / Dvoretsky: Etyud i partia yediny.

Beletski: Shakhmatnye kanikuly-1, ili sessia grossmeisterskoy shkoly.
Beletski: Shakhmatnye kanikuly-2, ili sessia grossmeisterskoy shkoly.

Beletski: Shakhmatnye kanikuly-3, ili sessia grossmeisterskoy shkoly.
Beletski: Shakhmatnye kanikuly-5, ili sessia grossmeisterskoy shkoly.

Kostrov / Beljavsky: 2000 shakhmatnykh zadatch, chast 1 / 2000 Chess Exercises, volume 1 / 2000 Schachaufgaben, 1. Teil.
Kostrov/ Beljavsky: 2000 shakhmatnykh zadatch, chast 2 / 2000 Chess Exercises, volume 2 / 2000 Schachaufgaben, 2. Teil.

Kostrov / Beljavsky: 2000 shakhmatnykh zadatch, chast 3 / 2000 Chess Exercises, volume 3 / 2000 Schachaufgaben, 4. Teil.
Kostrov/ Beljavsky: 2000 shakhmatnykh zadatch, chast 4 / 2000 Chess Exercises, volume 4 / 2000 Schachaufgaben, 4. Teil.

Lysyy: Zashchita Nimzovitscha. Repertuar za chernykh.
Karpov: Uchites igrat zaschitu Karo-Kann.

Neistadt: Shakhmaty do Steinitza.
Larsen: Geniy shakhmat po imeni Bobbi Fischer.

Dmitriyev / Krylov: Priklyuchenia korolevskovo konya. Gambit Paulsena-Skachkova (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d5).
Zlotnik: Rukovodstvo po mittelshpilyu.

December 8:

Pavlovic: The modernized Colle-Zukertort Attack - hardcover (preorder).

December 6:

Lakdawala: The Greatest - paperback (preorder).
Lakdawala: The Greatest - hardcover (preorder).

November 30:

again available:
Biolek: Utok na malou rosadu. Typicke obeti na sloupci h.
Biolek: Utok na malou rosadu. Typicke obeti na sloupcich f, g.

Biolek: Ucebnice sachu pro mirne pokrocile. 2. dil.
Biolek: Koncovky a studie Vasilije Smyslova.

November 29:

Fuzik / Radchenko: Critical Theory: A Chess Biography of Isaak Lipnitsky - paperback.
Fuzik / Radchenko: Critical Theory: A Chess Biography of Isaak Lipnitsky - hardcover.

Lakdawala: American Dream: The Best Games of Hikaru Nakamura - paperback.
Lakdawala: American Dream: The Best Games of Hikaru Nakamura - hardcover.

Gertler: Play the Mackenzie! - A Sharp White Attack in the Ruy Lopez (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.d4).

again available:
Lakdawala: From Boy to Man to Challenger: The Fiercest Battles of Gukesh D - paperback.
Lakdawala: From Boy to Man to Challenger: The Fiercest Battles of Gukesh D - hardcover.

Galkin: 101 Endgame Masterclasses: Rooks and Material Imbalances.
Lissowski / Bogdanovic: The Wizard of Warsaw: A Chess Biography of Szymon Winawer - paperback.

Sosonko: Evil-Doer: Half a Century with Viktor Korchnoi.
Konstantinopolsky: Obsession: A Chess Biography of Vsevolod Rauzer - hardcover.

November 27:

Ursta: Cerna vsepromena v dvoutahovem ortodoxnim samomatu.
Costeff: One Endgame Study in a Thousand (preorder).

November 26:

Palliser: The Tricky Tromp (1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5) - paperback.
Palliser: The Tricky Tromp (1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5) - hardcover.

Pavlovic: Strategic Play with 1 e4 - paperback .
Pavlovic: Strategic Play with 1 e4 - hardcover.

again available:
Moll: The Center Game. A Perfectly Playable Chess Opening Surprise (1.e4 e5 2.d4).
Timman: 100 Endgame Studies You Must Know - paperback.

Sielecki: My First Chess Opening Repertoire - paperback.
Aagaard: Conceptual Rook Endgames Workbook - hardcover.

Karolyi: Karpovs Strategic Wins 1: The Making of a Champion 1961-1985 + volume 2: The Prime Years 1986-2010 (a set of 2 books).
Karolyi: Mikhail Tals Best Games 1: The Magic of Youth + 2: The World Champion + 3: The Invicible (a set of 3 books).

Schandorff: Playing the Caro-Kann - paperback.
Smith: The Woodpecker Method 2 - hardcover.

November 25:

Hector: Tusen och en Schack. Jonny Hectors berattelser fran schackets varld.
Hector: Tusen och en Schack. Jonny Hectors berattelser fran schackets varld (signed by author).

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