Latest Additions, News: (click on the link in top right corner for all new listings) |
Next shipping day is Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
January 17:
Hendriks: The Philosopher and the Housewife - paperback (preorder).
Hendriks: The Philosopher and the Housewife - hardcover (preorder).
Williams / Palliser: The Iron English - paperback (preorder).
Williams / Palliser: The Iron English - hardcover (preorder).
Karolyi: Boris Spasskys Best Games 1 - paperback (preorder).
Shankland: Theoretical Rook Endgames - paperback (preorder).
Yap: A Complete Opening Repertoire for Black after 1…e6 - hardcover (preorder).
Healey: A Collection of 200 Chess Problems Composed by F. Healey.
Kahn: A Century of Chess: Book I: 1900-1909 - hardcover.
White, A. C.: Knights and Bishops.
White, A. C.: White Rooks.
White, A. C.: White to Play.
White, A. C.: White Knights.
January 17:
again available:
Kling: The Chess Euclid. A Collection of Two Hundred Chess Problems and Endgames.
Williams: The Modern Chess Problem.
Laws: The Two-Move Chess Problem.
Pearson: Pearsons One Hundred Chess Problems.
du Mont / Hansen: R. P. Michell - A Master of British Chess: A forgotten chess master - hardcover.
King: Kings Anti-Sicilians for Black.
King: Kings Kalashnikov Sicilian.
Timman: 100 Endgame Studies You Must Know - paperback.
Timman: Timmans Triumphs. My 100 Best Games - paperback
Karolyi: Endgame Virtuoso Magnus Carlsen Volume 1.
Karolyi: Endgame Virtuoso Magnus Carlsen Volume 2.
Moskalenko: The Fully-Fledged French.
de Prado: The London System in 12 Practical Lessons.
Prusikin: Countering The Queens Gambit.
Kuljasevic: How to Study Chess on Your Own Workbook.
Lakdawala: The Greatest Attacker in Chess. The Enigmatic Rashid Nezhmetdinov.
Ramesh: Improve Your Chess Calculation - paperback
Polgar, Judit: Master Your Chess with Judit Polgar.
Hendriks: On the Origin of Good Moves - hardcover.
Aagaard: Conceptual Rook Endgames Workbook - hardcover.
Aagaard: Conceptual Rook Endgames Workbook - paperback.
Aagaard: Grandmaster Preparation - Calculation - hardcover.
Aagaard: A Matter of Endgame Technique - hardcover.
Castellanos: Beating the Queens Gambit – Indian Style! - hardcover.
Castellanos: Playing the Nimzo-Indian - hardcover.
Ntirlis: Reimagining 1.e4 – paperback.
Konopka: Magic Chess Moves - hardcover
Hillarp Persson: Tigers Chaos Theory - hardcover.
Palliser: The Tricky Tromp (1.d4 Jf6 2.Sg5) - paperback.
Pavlovic: Strategic Play with 1 e4 - hardcover.
Pavlovic: Strategic Play with 1 e4 - paperback.
January 16:
Hansen: The Navara Gambit (1.Nf3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.b4 g5).
Kahn: A Century of Chess: Book I: 1900-1909 - paperback.
again available:
Hansen: Play the Orangutan: 1 b4.
Jacimovic: The French Defense Revisited - hardcover.
Franco: The Chess Scalpel. 32 Master Games Dissected.
Zlatanovic: The Essence of Chess Strategy. Volume 2: Pawn Structures.
Strasman: Moves 3 to 10 - Understanding the Opening Phase for Improving Chess Players - hardcover.
January 15:
Keres: Uchebnik prakticheskovo endshpilya (preorder).
Marin: Learn from the Legends 2 - paperback (pre-order).
Marin: Learn from the Legends 2 - pevná vazba (pre-order).
Mueller: Typical Ruy Lopez. Effective Middlegame Training (pre-order).
January 14:
Keres: World Chess Championship 1948: The Hague-Moscow (pre-order). 3rd edition 2024.
Maatman: The Hidden Laws of Chess. Volume Two - Mastering Dynamics (pre-order).
again available:
Razuvaev / Murakhveri: Akiba Rubinstein (substantially expanded and revised translation of the Russian edition).
January 13:
Pavlovic: The modernized Colle-Zukertort Attack - hardcover.
again available:
Navara: Lessons on Uncompromising Play - hardcover.
Gormally: The Scheveningen Sicilian Revisited. A Complete Repertoire for the Sicilian Player - hardcover.
Rodi: The Queens Gambit Declined - A Dynamic Repertoire for Black - hardcover.
Pavlovic: The Modernized Semi-Slav - hardcover.
Pavlovic: Reloaded Weapons in the Benoni - hardcover (revised edition).
Pavlovic: Unknown Weapons in the Gruenfeld - hardcover.
Welling / Basman: U Cannot Be Serious! (uncommon openings).
Bossi / Brovelli: The Duel. The Parallel Chess Lives of A. Alekhine and J. R. Capablanca.
January 10:
Chess Informant 162 is delayed, it should be in early February.
January 9:
Kalinichenko: 3100 uchebnykh shakhmatnykh zadach i kombinatsiy. I-III chast (a set of three books) (pre-order).
Kalinichenko: 3100 uchebnykh shakhmatnykh zadach i kombinatsiy. I chast (pre-order).
Kalinichenko: 3100 uchebnykh shakhmatnykh zadach i kombinatsiy. II chast (pre-order).
Kalinichenko: 3100 uchebnykh shakhmatnykh zadach i kombinatsiy. III chast (pre-order).
December 30:
Irons: San Sebastian 1911.
again available:
100 Years of FIDE. An illust History 1924-2024.
Paehtz: Wer den vorletzten Fehler macht, gewinnt.
Tadic: Knight Endgames Workbook.
Geilmann: Juedische Schachmeister aus Deutschland.
Mueller: Typical Kings Indian.
Mueller: Typical French.
Ehlvest: The modern Gurgenidze.
Geilmann / Stiefel: Boris Spasski - Der Leningrad Cowboy. Ein Schachleben.
Langrock: The Modern Morra Gambit.
Steinitz: The Modern Chess Instructor. Parts I + II.
December 25:
Yanvarev: Takticheskoe masterstvo shakhmatista. Uchebnoe posobie v 3-kh tomakh. Tom 2: Osnovy techniki raschota (pre-order)
Franco: Attacking Chess in the 21st Century (pre-order).
December 20:
Semkov: Fighting the Nimzo (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Nf3) (preorder).
December 19:
Zlatanovic: Get to Know Your Chess Troops! - 1: Everything About the King (preorder).
Dlugy: The Queens Gambit Accepted (1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4) (preorder). 2nd enlarged edition
Vorobyov: Po sledam čempionov mira. Vypusk 2: Jose Raul Capablanca (preorder).
December 17:
Ntirlis: Reimagining 1.e4 - paperback.
Ntirlis: Reimagining 1.e4 - hardcover.
Adams: Paul Keres. Volume 1-4.
Aagaard: Conceptual Rook Endgames - paperback. 1st edition as paperback
Konopka: Magic Chess Moves - hardcover.
Lakdawala: The Greatest - paperback.
Timman: Curacao 1962. The Battle of Minds that Shook the Chess World - paperback. 3rd edition 2024
again available:
Bezgodov: Defend Like Petrosian.
Shereshevsky: Endgame Strategy.
Karolyi: Endgame Virtuoso Magnus Carlsen (volume 1: 1999-2017).
Aagaard: Grandmaster Preparation - Strategic Play.
Aagaard: Grandmaster Preparation - Calculation + Positional Play + Strategic Play + Attack and Defence + Endgame Play + Thinking Inside the Box (6 books).
Karolyi: Karpovs Strategic Wins 1: The Making of a Champion 1961-1985 + volume 2: The Prime Years 1986-2010.
Nielsen / Aagaard: Endgame Labyrinths - hardcover.
Smith / Tikkanen: The Woodpecker Method - hardcover.
Galkin: The Mental Game - hardcover.
Palliser: The Tricky Tromp (1.d4 Jf6 2.Sg5) - hardcover.
| |
Chess Sets, Clocks (16) |
Chess Postcards |
T-Shirts, Varia |
History, Bibliography (119) |
Opening (354) | CECO (21) | Chess Openings (99) |
Middle Game, Textbooks (470) |
Endgame, Problem Chess (164) |
Biography (400) |
Tournaments, Matches (99) |
Bulletins (13) | Historical tournaments (16) | Turnajovy servis |
Other books (32) |
Magazines, Reprints (324) |
Chess Informants (7) | Encyclopedias (9) |
McFarland on order (67) |
Coming Soon (67) |
History, Bibliography (204) |
Opening (894) | CECO (37) | Chess Openings (98) | Teoria debyutov (26) | German series of 1980s (57) |
General Works (1095) |
Endgame, Problem, Study (518) |
Biography (444) | Black series (60) | Small Black series (19) |
Tournaments & Matches (350) |
Other Books (153) |
Magazines - Complete vols (881) | Loose issues (221) |
Chess Columns (76) |
Chessmen, Clocks, Others (50) |
DVD, CD, eBooks (8) |